
Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty is a series of difficult reconstructive procedures used to produce female genitalia in the absence of a full-depth vaginal canal. 

This procedure is also known as vulvoplasty, shallow depth vaginoplasty, zero depth vaginoplasty, or labiaplasty. Your readiness is crucial to the success of any procedure. This entails being in the best physical and mental health possible before surgery. 

A minimal depth vaginoplasty generates the mons, clitoris, and outer and inner labia of a vulva. 

The look of the genitals will change greatly amongst women. Some people have a more rounded mons pubis, a less noticeable clitoris, broader labia majora or smaller labia minora. 

Results to be expected: 

A clitoris made with the sensitive skin of the glans is created during a minimal depth vaginoplasty. 

  • a hood that covers the top of the clitoris.
  • a vulva with majora and minora labia; and • an erogenous (clitoral) zone with the potential for sexual pleasure.
  • a vagina with a depth of three to five centimeters.
  • A full-depth vaginal cavity cannot be created at a later period.

What are the advantages of this surgical procedure? 

  • A surgical method used in a single operation.
  • The surgery produces the same outward appearance as vaginoplasty.
  • Because the surgery is simpler than full depth vaginoplasty, the risks are reduced, and the surgical and recovery times are shorter.
  • There is no need for prior hair removal because the skin from the scrotum is not used to build a vaginal canal.
  • Because there is only a shallow or no vaginal canal, there is no need for a lifetime regimen of vaginal dilatation.
  • This may be the ideal surgery if you do not want penetrative vaginal sex.
  • It may be a realistic surgical option to consider for those who have medical issues that limit or prevent the formation of a vaginal canal. A history of prostate problems, significant rectal damage, congestive heart failure, or radiation can all be considered.
  • When existing tissue is used to develop the details of the vulva (labia, clitoris, clitoral hood), there is less strain on the tissue generating the new genitals.
  • You can also do it daily.

During the procedure: 

Minimal depth vaginoplasty is a difficult and time-consuming reconstructive operation. 

You must be able to tolerate a general anesthetic and spend up to eight hours on an operating table. 

The outcome of the procedure will depend on your age, weight, skin quality and elasticity, circumcision/scars, and overall health. 

The surgeon uses skin and tissue from your penis to form an outer vagina (vulva) during a minimal depth vaginoplasty operation.  The scrotum’s skin is removed; the testicles are removed; skin from the penis is used to form the inner and outer labia of the vagina; a new opening for the urethra is produced (so you can urinate/pee); and tissue from your foreskin is utilized to make the urethra.  A clitoris made of the glans’ sensitive skin, A clitoral hood: a vulva with labia minora. Clitoral erogenous zones with the potential for sexual pleasure are formed, the labia majora are formed. The testicles, along with the penis and scrotum, must be removed as part of vaginoplasty. The prostate is kept in situ to minimize difficulties, as removing it can induce irreversible urine incontinence. 

How long does it take to recover? 

Recovery from surgery can take up to a year (or longer), and the following activities are required: 

  • Avoid vigorous exercise and activity for six (or more) weeks after your vaginoplasty, as well as swimming and biking for three months.
  • Avoid sexual activity until your surgeon is satisfied that you have recovered, which is usually three months after surgery.
  • Avoid smoking, vaping, or using any nicotine products, as this reduces blood flow to the area around your genitals and will make it more difficult for you to heal after your surgery. • Because there is no need for dilation, recovery time is generally shorter than with vaginoplasty.

Possible Complications: 

 Our goal is to avoid problems. We accomplish this by employing cautious surgical procedures, assisting you in maintaining your optimal health, and ensuring that you have a safe plan for your recovery. However, this is an extremely complicated surgery with a high risk of complications. We recommend that you mentally and physically prepare for the likelihood of difficulties. Our team is available to assist you with any issues that may arise. We do everything necessary to make your operation and recuperation as painless as possible. 



Tissue granulation 


Sensation loss and pain hypersensitivity 

Wound separation, wound reopening, and/or sluggish healing 


Sensation loss and pain hypersensitivity 


Scars that are enlarged and thick (keloid) 

Prolapse of the vaginal canal 

Urinary Issues 





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